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Key Takeaways from the Digital Food and Beverage Conference 2024

Written by Mary Rose Walker | Jul 1, 2024 5:41:19 PM

The Digital Food and Beverage Conference 2024, held in Palm Springs from June 24th-26th, was a melting pot of innovation, ideas, and industry leaders. As an exhibitor, MDRG had the privilege to participate and connect with a diverse array of professionals and gain insights into the future of the food and beverage industry.  

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Connecting Across Industries 

One of the most rewarding aspects of the conference was networking. As Amy Basile, our Senior Manager of Qualitative Research and resident sensory expert remarked, "It was great to be out there and talking to people in food and beverage working on very different things and to hear across different industries where their minds were."  

This sentiment was echoed by our Director of Client Insights, Kristy Roldan, who noted, "Meeting new people and having follow-up conversations by the pool was something unique and valuable that we don't get to do at many other conferences." 


Engaging Sessions and Thought-Provoking Speakers 

The conference featured a variety of engaging sessions and speakers. Amy highlighted a standout session on flavor innovation by James Clarke of PepsiCo, emphasizing their creative engagement with Gen Z and TikTok. "It was fascinating to see how they're leveraging technology and integrating it into their products," she said.

Another notable session was about Hungry Howie's website, where the focus on user experience and app development provided valuable insights. 

Kristy found inspiration in the presentation by a representative from McDonald's. "I was surprised by how McDonald's, a mega-corporation, is focused on micro-moments and small social media posts, which can have a ripple effect throughout the organization," she shared. This approach to brand engagement was a refreshing revelation for many attendees. 

Jackie Bruzek, Senior Director of Customer Experience at McDonald's, leads a keynote session.

Mary Rose, Senior Brand Strategist, appreciated the round table sessions. “It was really interesting to hear representatives from different companies explain issues that they were struggling with. The way they collaborated and listened helped build relationships and trust, and the big themes and challenges that arose seemed universal. I loved hearing what was top of mind.” 


Emerging Themes: AI, Media Spending, and Cookie Deprecation 

Several recurring themes emerged during the conference. AI was a significant topic of discussion, influencing everything from supply chain management to digital investments. "AI is everywhere and on everyone's mind," Amy observed. This comes as no surprise: AI integration was a featured part of our 2024 Beverage Trends Report.

(If you missed the report at the conference, download it here!) 

Media spending and cookie deprecation were also hot topics, with Kristy noting, "Whether it's a healthcare, advertising, or food and beverage conference, these themes keep coming up."  


Big Takeaways for the Food and Beverage Industry 

The conference reinforced the idea that while the food and beverage industry is an early adopter of trends in flavor and packaging, digital transformation is still a developing area. Mary Rose observed, "My big takeaway is that some companies have all aspects of digital marketing dialed and some are brand new on this journey, but it's really an important force for the CPG space right now, and one so dynamic that it requires constant attention and innovation." 

Amy reflected on the enduring nature of industry conversations, stating, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

"The topics may shift to AI and new tech, but the core sentiments around engaging consumers and convincing internal stakeholders remain consistent." 


Market Research is an Opportunity 

As consumer behavior evolves—quickly—MDRG sees significant opportunities to support the food and beverage industry through close consumer engagement. "Staying on top of how consumers are evolving their behavior is crucial,” said Kristy. 

Amy stressed the need for authentic consumer experiences, saying, "Helping companies shift from 'I know what my people want' to 'What do my people actually say they want?' is where market research can make a real difference. Getting real perspectives from real humans is essential for brands to understand their audience truly." 


Looking Ahead 

Overall, the Digital Food and Beverage Conference 2024 was a dynamic and insightful event. It provided a platform for meaningful connections, thought-provoking discussions, and a deeper understanding of the trends shaping the future of the food and beverage industry. MDRG looks forward to applying the insights gained to better serve our clients and continue driving innovation in market research.  

We hope to see even more of you next year as we explore the evolving landscape of digital food and beverage together! 

For more information on how market research can help you understand how to best reach your consumers, contact us