Strategic Insights Manager

Resturant Chain Case Study

Navigating an Inflection Point

MDRG Quick Take – Facial Coding: “Liquid Plumr Cracks” and “Clean Matters”

Both ads are emotionally engaging. Liquid Plmr Cracks’ overall score of 9 (on a 10-pt scale) puts it in the 93rd percentile among 13,000+ ads tested...

Case Study: Sales Strategy Development

SALES STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT: REGIONAL COFFEE BRAND BACKGROUND The Coffee Services Division (CSD) of a regional coffee brand manages the distribution...

Barriers to Purchasing Sausage Product

Case Study Background A national CPG company wanted to assess the purchase barriers and how to alleviate those barriers for one of their most...

Public Health Institute Advertising

A statewide tobacco control program sought help in developing and evaluating anadvertisingcampaign promoting the dangers of secondhand smoke (SHS).

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